Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Ch.8 9 Questions Answers Essay Example

Ch.8 9 Questions Answers Essay Example Ch.8 9 Questions Answers Paper Ch.8 9 Questions Answers Paper A fault is. Faults are fractures in Earth where movement has occurred An earthquakes epicenter is. Is the location on the surface directly above the focus When an earthquake occurs, energy radiates in all directions from its source, which is called Focus. The point within Earth where the earthquake starts is called the focus Earthquakes are usually associated with. Earthquakes are usually associated with large fractures in Earths crust and mantle called faults What causes earthquakes? Earthquake occur due to the release of built-up energy Most earthquakes are produced by the rapid release of which kind of energy stored in rock subjected to great forces? Elastic energy stored in rocks During an earthquake, the ground surface. Can move in any direction The adjustments of material that follow a major earthquake often generate smaller earthquake called Aftershock Major earthquakes are sometimes preceded by smaller earthquakes called Foreshocks The slow continuous movement that occurs along some fault zones is referred to as Creep The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 occurred along what fault? San Andreas Fault Which seismic waves travel most rapidly? P waves travel most rapidly. What is true about P waves? P waves are push-pull waves-they push and pull the rocks in the direction the waves travel. Overall, which seismic waves are the most destructive? The surface waves are the most destructive, because surface waves move in an up-down, side to side motion. What is the minimum number of seismic stations that is needed to determine the location of an earthquakes epicenter? Three An earthquakes magnitude is a measure of the size of the size of the seismic waves or the amount of energy released at the source of the earthquake What instrument records earthquake waves? Seismographs How much of an increase in wave amplitude is seen from an earthquake measuring 5.4 on the Richter scale compared to one measuring 4.4? 10 times greater A succession of ocean waves set in motion by a submarine earthquake is called a(n). Tsunami In areas where unconsolidated sediments are saturated with water, earthquakes can turn stable soil into a fluid through a process.. Liquidfaction Violent shaking from an earthquake can cause soil and rocks on slopes to fail and cause a. Landslides Why do earthquakes often cause damaging fires? The fires started when gas and electrical lines were cut. Long-range earthquake forecasts are based on the idea that earthquakes are.. Repetitive What layers of Earth make up the lithosphere? Crust and uppermost mantle Through which Earth layer are S waves NOT transmitted? Outer core, because it is liquid Earths core is made of an alloy of. Iron-nickel alloy Wegeners continental drift hypothesis stated that all the continents once joined together to form. A single supercontinent The supercontinent in the continental drift hypothesis was called. Pangaea In the plate tectonics theory, the lithosphere is divided into Plates and plates can be made up of both continental and oceanic lithosphere. A tectonic plate consists of Crust and uppermost mantle A divergent boundary at two oceanic plates can result in a. Rift valley What type of boundary occurs where two plates move together, causing one plate to descend into the mantle beneath the other plate? Convergent boundaries Give an example of a transform fault boundary? San Andreas Fault New ocean crust is formed at Divergent boundaries What occurs when divergence occurs between two oceanic plates? This process results in upwelling of material from the mantle to create new seafloor (seafloor spreading) The Himalayas in South Asia are an example of what type of plate boundary? Continental (convergent boundary) Volcanic island arcs are associated with what type of plate boundary? Oceanic (convergent boundaries)

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Mobile Marketing Strategy How to Build One the Smart Way - CoSchedule

Mobile Marketing Strategy How to Build One the Smart Way How is your mobile marketing strategy doing? If you can’t answer this question, it’s time to change that. Data shows that marketing is going mobile more and more by the day. In fact, there’s a good chance you’re reading this on a mobile device right now. Let’s take a look at some numbers: Mobile accounts for 65%  of the time people spend consuming media 59% of smartphone owners  expect websites to be mobile-optimized 68% of companies  are investing in mobile marketing These are a just a few stats, but together, they tell one compelling story: it’s past time for all of us to pay attention to mobile. Understanding the importance of mobile marketing isn’t enough on its own. You also need to build an actionable strategy to provide users with a great mobile experience across all your content. That’s where this post comes in. Read on to learn: How to understand the way your audience uses their mobile device. How to optimize your brand’s overall mobile presence. How to measure the impact of your efforts. Mobile Marketing Strategy: How to Build One the Smart WayDownload Your Free Mobile Marketing Strategy Pitch Deck Template + Infographic Doing mobile marketing right requires cross-team collaboration  and leadership buy-in. To help state your case, use this free Mobile Marketing Pitch Template. It’s pre-built with important statistics you can use to build the business case for investing in mobile marketing. It also includes fill-in-the-blanks sections to tailor your proposed strategies, tactics, and recommendations to your own situation. Plus, we’ve also included a free Mobile Marketing Infographic packed with stats and curated research. With these resources and the information in this post, you’ll have everything you need to educate your team and implement a comprehensive mobile marketing strategy. Why Should You Care About Mobile Marketing Strategy? According to Hitwise, nearly 60% of searches come from mobile devices. That’s an enormous number. For marketers, that means your content needs to be optimized for mobile experiences. If it isn’t, you could risk missing opportunities to convert more website visitors into customers. This number is an average compiled from data across 11 different industries. Even at the low end of the graph, 39% is still a significant amount of searches. There’s one thing this data makes abundantly clear: you need to develop a mobile marketing strategy. Like so many things in the marketing world, this is easier said than done. However, with the right approach, you can make sure you’re not missing out on as much as 72% of your total potential audience through organic search. If you’re ready to build your own mobile content strategy, keep reading. We’re about to dig into: Develop a strategy for mobile marketing Optimize content for users on the go Plan and execute your strategy with Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to it. Ready to build your #mobile #marketing strategy?Developing a Mobile Content Strategy Plan your work. Then, work your plan. We say this all the time at . If you’re going to succeed, you need to know what you’ll do, before you sit down to get it done. Preparing a mobile marketing strategy is no exception. It isn’t enough to ask your developers to build you a responsive website and then call it a day (although responsive design is important). You need to put real thought into how you’ll reach mobile audiences, and what your online presence really looks like to those users. Recommended Reading: The Complete 14-Step Content Strategy That Will Boost Your Results By 434% Understanding How Your Audience Uses Mobile Devices Knowing where your audience uses their phone or tablet can help inform how you reach them. For example, people traveling to a new city will likely look for restaurants, hotels, and events near their destination. A farmer might browse their social media while riding in the tractor (no, seriously). An office worker could catch up on industry news with their iPad while lounging on the couch. Each of these people has a different purpose for being on their device. Accordingly, they have different expectations, too. If you know how they’re likely to find you, then you can be better prepared to provide them with the right content, at the right time. Here’s how you can gain this insight. Run A Survey Ask, and you shall receive. Run a simple poll with Polldaddy  or Survey Monkey  and ask people how they use their device. Here are three simple questions your survey can include: Which types of mobile devices do you use? [Phones, tablets, etc.] Where do you access content with your phone or tablet? [At work, at home, while traveling, etc.] What types of content do you consume on your mobile device? [News, entertainment, video, blog posts, social media, etc.] The data you get from your own audience will guide you in the right direction. Recommended Listening: How to Boost Your Results With Original Research With Andy Crestodina From Orbit Media Studios Use Google Analytics Google Analytics can give you some idea how your audience is using their mobile devices, too. Log into your account. Then, click Audience, and drill into the Mobile drop-down: Next, click onto Overview. Here, you can get a breakdown of how many of your website visitors are on mobile or tablet. Under devices, you can also see which specific phones or tablets people are using to find you: Next, click on Users Flow. Then, click All Users, and scroll down to and click Mobile Traffic. Once you’ve done this, click Apply. You’ll then see something like this: Now, you can see where mobile users land on your site, and where they go next from there. This can help you determine which pages and content are most interesting to your mobile audience. NOTE: Google Analytics separates Mobile (as in mobile phones) and Tablet traffic. If you’d like to see your user flow from tablets, repeat the previous steps, but scroll down to the bottom of the All Users window, and find Tablet Traffic: Optimizing Content for Mobile Devices When you’re ready to execute your mobile marketing strategy, you’ll need to be prepared to optimize your content specifically for mobile users. Writing for Mobile Devices Phone screens are relatively small. Even larger phablet-type phones are small compared to the PC you’re probably writing your content on. That means you’ll need to write in a way that’s easily readable on a smaller screen. Here’s how. Use Bullet Points: Bulleted text is easily scannable. If you have information that can be condensed down to list form, bullet it out. Write Short, Punchy Headlines: This is a matter of space. Shorter headlines fit better on smaller screens. If you can keep them down to six or seven words, they’ll be more likely to hook the attention of someone scrolling by. Longer headlines may get cut off the screen, and therefore be less appealing to click. Here’s an example of a well-optimized headline for mobile: And here’s an example that could be condensed: In this example, the headline is shortened and legible on the graphic, which is easier to read on a mobile device. It might not be possible to optimize every headline you write this way. However, it’s worth keeping this in mind as you and your team are crafting content. Use Clear Section Headings: Make use of H2 and H3 headings. If possible, avoid using anything H4 or smaller, since it can create a cluttered visual appearance with too much visual hierarchy going on. If you’re using WordPress, here’s where you’ll find your header controls: Keep Paragraphs Brief: Giant walls of text are a pain to read on phones. Keep your sentences under 25 words and paragraphs two or three sentences each. You can exercise a small amount of leeway on this  but do so sparingly. Here’s an example of a piece with crisp, concise paragraphs: And here’s another that’s decidedly more difficult to read: Front Load Email Subject Lines: Email subject lines get cut off at a shorter length on mobile than they do on desktop. So, place your most attention-grabbing copy at the beginning of your subject line. If you’d like to preview what your subject line might look like, use our Headline Analyzer. Enter your subject line: Then scroll down to here: You’ll now have an idea how your subject line will appear. Recommended Reading: This is the Way to Write Email Subject Lines That Get More Clicks Optimize Your Visual Content For Mobile Well-optimized can make or break your mobile experience, too. Follow this advice to keep your mobile presence finely tuned. Use Optimal Image File Sizes: Upload images to your site or blog at the exact size you want them to appear. Otherwise, your CMS will be forced to resize them as your pages load. This will cause them to load slower, and potentially cause users to bounce and visit a different site. If you have a high number of large images on your site (and you’re using WordPress), there may be a quick fix solution here for you. WP Smush  is a WordPress plugin that can detect and compress large image file sizes on your site, and bring them down to a more reasonable size: Make Text Legible On Small Screens: Ensure your fonts are large enough to be readable on a phone. Use your best judgment. If you can read something, odds are your audience can’t either. Here’s an example of an image that’s clearly readable on a phone: Technical Website + Blog Considerations Beyond your actual content creation, your blog and website need to be built with mobile in mind. Here are some ways to ensure both are easy to use on phones and tablets. Use A Responsive Site Design (Or Have a Separate Mobile Site): There is some debate out there over when to use responsive design versus having a separate mobile site. In either case, it’s important to have a site that looks good and works well on phones and tablets. If you’re a marketer, this is something you likely don’t have much control over. It’s also something your development team should understand. However, if this is a pain point or roadblock, discuss with your developers. Here are some talking points you can drop: 80% of all internet users have a mobile phone. Why leave money on the table? Mobile users have different expectations than desktop users. If your site doesn’t cater to them, they’ll leave (and buy from someone else). Google favors websites that offer a strong mobile experience. The more you can tie the conversation back to how it helps make money, the more likely you are to be successful here. Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test Tool: How can you know whether your site is truly mobile-friendly? Use this free tool from Google. Type in your URL: And get your analysis in moments: Mobile Search Engine Optimization Considerations The way people search, and the things they search for, might be different when they’re on the go (versus when they’re on their laptop or home computer). Keep these things in mind while you’re working on search engine optimization. Optimize For Voice Search: People using their phones are often in busy places and might not stop to type in a search query. Things people on the go typically search for include words like â€Å"how†, â€Å"what,† or â€Å"where.† For example, â€Å"How do I get to the nearest coffee shop?,† or â€Å"Where is the Museum of Modern Art?† So, how do you find which terms someone might be using to find businesses like yours? Start by doing thorough keyword research as you normally would. Next, consider targeting terms incorporating strings of conversational language around your core keywords. Here’s an example: Typical Keyword: Brunch new york city Voice-Optimized Keyword: where is the best brunch in new york city? For a more in-depth guide on optimizing for voice search, read this post from Neil Patel. Recommended Reading: Create the Right Pages to Attract Mobile Searches: In order to show up in local searches, it helps to have the right pages on your site. These could include: Location pages (for brick and mortar stores). You want people to find where you are after all, right? Posts pertaining to local topics. Remember when we mentioned optimizing keyword research for local search? Create content around those keywords. For example, if people search for "best coffee shops minneapolis," a coffee shop could create a post like, "What Makes Our Coffee Shop the Best in Minneapolis?" Your hours and contact information. This is basic stuff, but you’d be surprised how many websites miss details like this. Recommended Reading: SEO Content Strategy: How to Skyrocket Your Traffic By 594% Implement Location Data In Your Sitemap: If you have a physical location, local SEO should be a top priority for your business. One way to improve your appearance in local searches (which are often mobile searches, too) is to add location data using markup. This video from Simon Hayer walks through this process step-by-step: For a more detailed guide on implementing microdata, Kissmetrics did a fantastic job here. Plus, for a complete list of Local Business schemas, the site has those here. This is a technical task that should be handled by a developer. The benefit for doing so is to make your search results more useful. You can things like: Location Contact Information Opening Hours Price Range Review Ratings Upcoming Events And more. These types of things can improve click-through rates on search results by making them more appealing. Here’s an example from a search for upcoming events: If I’m looking for something to do in my city, this search result gives me a preview into upcoming events before I’ve even clicked a link. It also takes up more space on the search results page. And if I’m in a hurry or on the go, guess which search result people in this situation are going to tap? It’s the one that’s most noticeable and most useful in that moment. Be the company that provides those kinds of results. Mobile Email Marketing Considerations According to Salesforce, 79% of marketers say email marketing drives ROI. Plus, according to research from Kahuna cited on Email Monday, 86% of emails are opened on a mobile device. That means there’s a lot of opportunity to capitalize on mobile email marketing. Know The Numbers: If you believe what works for desktop should work for mobile when it comes to email, consider these statistics: Mobile accounts for 54% of all email opens  (versus 16% on desktop). 70% of users delete emails that don’t work well on their phones. As more people use their phones for email, you’ll need to make sure your emails look and read well on mobile devices. This leads into our next point. Use Mobile-Responsive Email Designs: If you use designed email templates, make sure they’re mobile-responsive (or at least easy to view on smartphones). Here at , we use Campaign Monitor for our email newsletters. This platform makes it easy to preview how emails will appear on phones: If you use a similar service (such as MailChimp, AWeber, Constant Contact, or another provider), building mobile-optimized templates should be similarly easy. However, if you use custom-built email templates, talk to your developer about making them more email-friendly. They’re likely busy people, though, so be prepared to make a case for why it’s important. Here are some talking points you can use to begin your discussion: â€Å"Improving the mobile-friendliness of our emails is important for users and bottom line, since research shows 70% of people will delete an email  that doesn’t look good on mobile.† â€Å"Email drives [INSERT ROI PERCENTAGE] for us, and a better email experience could increase that even further.† â€Å"Our current email [INSERT METRIC] is at [INSERT PERCENTAGE]. However, we know from research findings that 79% of users read email on their phones. We think a better mobile experience could improve our email marketing performance significantly.† With some numbers to support your claims, it’ll be easier to explain why you need better mobile email design (if yours is currently struggling). TIP: Be prepared to hear that if your emails are underperforming, it could be because your email content is at fault. Compare your desktop vs. mobile email performance to pull numbers showing this isn't the case (assuming it's not actually the case). If desktop email performance is strong but mobile isn't, then you have a starting point to begin investigating whether mobile-friendly design could help. Mobile Social Media Marketing Considerations It feels obvious to say so, but social media is huge on mobile. However, you might be surprised by just how huge. According to Marketing Land, a full 80% of social media activity happens on a mobile device. Here are some tips for making the most mobile for social media marketing. Develop An Event Hashtag Strategy: People want to share their thoughts when they’re at events. So, if you’re hosting an event, develop a unique hashtag. You can bet attendees on their phones will make use of it. Consider Pinterest (If You’re Not There Already): According to Mobile Marketing Watch, â€Å"Pinterest is the most mobile social network and 64% of its referred traffic comes from either smartphones or tablet devices.† If capturing the attention of mobile audiences is a priority, then consider creating a Pinterest profile, if your business hasn’t already. Make Social Sharing Buttons Easily Accessible: Again, this is something you’ll need to work out with your developers and designers (if you’re not using an out-of-the-box website or blog theme). If you want people to share your content on mobile, then it needs to be easy to do without thinking about it too hard. Don’t Ignore Instagram: Think your brand can’t benefit from being on Instagram? Think again, especially if you’re targeting teens or young adults. According to WordStream (citing the Pew Research Center), 32% of teens consider Instagram  to be â€Å"the most important social network.† Recommended Reading: How to Use Hashtags Effectively Without Being Annoying The Ultimate Guide on How to Use Instagram For Business The Ultimate Guide to Marketing With Pinterest What is the Best Placement for Social Media Buttons? Mobile Advertising: Are Marketers Missing Opportunities? People spend a lot of time on their phones. You probably didn’t need us to tell you that. However, did you know U.S. consumers spend an estimated 87 hours a month browsing on their smartphones, according to Smart Insights? That is a staggering amount of time. It might also make you question how you spend your own time a little bit. One thing it should absolutely make you question, though, is how much you’re spending on mobile advertising. According to the same report from Smart Insights, while mobile users spend 24% of their time consuming media on their phone, mobile only accounts for 8% of advertising spending. Take a look at this chart: Of course, competitiveness for ad space could differ depending on your industry. One thing that’s clear, though, is there’s opportunity out there for those willing to go after it. If you’re ready to dive deeper into mobile advertising, Single Grain has you covered with this guide. Could mobile advertising be a missed opportunity for your organization?Measuring Mobile Marketing Performance Once you’ve started optimizing your content strategy for mobile, you’ll want to measure how you’re doing. Fortunately, you can get a lot of insight out of Google Analytics. Visit your account and click Mobile in the left-hand navigation. Under Overview, you’ll see high-level data for your site’s mobile performance: You’ll notice you can also see desktop and tablet stats in the same place. This makes it easy to see how your mobile marketing is performing relative to other types of devices. Next, click on Acquisition and drill into All Traffic: Then, click Channels, and All Users: Next, scroll down to Mobile Traffic and click Apply: Now, you’ll be able to see your mobile marketing performance broken down by channel. You’ll also be able to compare mobile stats to your overall performance per channel: Which Data Should I Be Concerned With? There’s a lot of data you can pay attention to here. However, which data points are the most useful for measuring mobile marketing performance? Let’s look at a few basic metrics. Traffic: Are people finding your site? If they’re not, something could be off with your mobile presence. Since you’re reading this post though, you’ll have no problems crushing it, right? Mobile Landing Pages: In addition to mobile traffic, also pay attention to where mobile visitors are landing. To find this information in Google Analytics, drill down through Behavior Site Content Landing Pages: Then, make sure you have Mobile Traffic selected (if you haven’t already). If you’d like to look at just mobile landing pages, be sure to deselect All Users: Now, scope out your top mobile pages: Now, there are a couple things to note here: Where is your mobile traffic going?  Are there pages optimized for mobile that aren’t getting traffic? Or, is there anything else that jumps out as a surprise? Which pages are performing best on mobile?  Which pages are converting best? Which are driving the most traffic? It may be worth creating more content that’s similar. Conversion Rate: Ultimately, this is what all your efforts are about. In general, conversion rates are typically lower on mobile than on desktop. Take a look at this graphic from Smart Insights  laying out 2016 ecommerce conversion rates: While your mileage may vary, don’t be too alarmed if mobile conversions are lower than desktop. Bounce Rate: If people are quick to leave your site, something could be turning them away. However, keep in mind that mobile bounce rates may be a little bit higher than your desktop or tablet bounce rate. According to Rocket Fuel, â€Å"Mobile users are more likely to bounce across the board, so it should reasonably follow that any website with a large, growing percentage of mobile traffic will see a higher bounce rate.† Depending on your site, your mobile bounce rate could be â€Å"10% to 20% higher† than desktop. If your mobile bounce rate is considerably higher than desktop though, your mobile site could be turning visitors away. This could be a sign to talk with your development team. Source: NOTE: If your bounce rate appears close to zero, but you know you’re attracting traffic, your Google Analytics account may be incorrectly configured. Going Beyond Google Analytics: Tools And Guides If you’re ready to step up your mobile marketing measurement, you may require more powerful tools than Google Analytics. Here are some tools and guides to get you started: Tracking Conversions With Kissmetrics: KissMetrics  is  powerful platform is great for tracking all kinds of metrics on a granular level. Follow this guide  to use it to track mobile conversions. Measuring Mobile Ad Campaigns With Mixpanel: If you have a mobile app, Mixpanel can help you track how people are using it. Follow this guide  to get started. Which #metrics matter most for #mobile #marketing?Mobile App: Schedule Social Posts on the Go Before we end this post, let’s talk about our new social scheduling mobile app. With it, you can post to your business or client’s social accounts no matter where you’re at. Given the always-on nature of social media marketing, this is helpful for maintaining the social component of your overall mobile marketing strategy. Here’s what you can do: Schedule social messages on the fly. Add social messages to your content calendar at any time. Whether you’re at a conference or on your commute, you can always be prepared to post. Stay in the loop away from your desk. No WiFi? No problem. You can now know exactly what social posts you have scheduled, no matter where you’re at. Avoid panic attacks. Triple-check, pause, or update any social post, anywhere. Stay social. Social media doesn’t always give you much time to react. Make sure you’re ready with the right response when a trending topic or real-time situation arises. Learn more about how it works here: [INSERT URL]

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Negotiations - Getting to Yes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Negotiations - Getting to Yes - Essay Example This paper tends to explain the significance of the theme stated above on the grounds of practical evidences and the findings of scholarly volumes on negotiation. To begin with, a person’s point of view of a certain topic has a straight-line relationship with his behavior as an individual. The intensity of his responses and reactions to counter arguments in a debate of win-to-win contexts reflects how passionate he is towards his ethics or prejudice. Hence, being soft on the people is important while at the same time being hard on the problem so as to achieve the goal. Planning covers the major portion of entire strategic negotiation procedures. When a manager utilizes all skills, knowledge, and potential to create a favorable condition for negotiating with someone, the tactics he initiates can be termed as ‘negotiation strategy’. According to Rojot, the first process of three-stage model of negotiation is ‘getting to know each other’ including their starting positions, range, and limitations. The second stage involves the attempt to reach a settlement either through official or informal actions; and finally persuading other group for decision making (174-75). While considering the scope of negotiation in a disturbed atmosphere, it is important to see that the process of negotiation passes through different phases that create stage for analysis, understanding, and effective communication. Importance and necessity of interaction are also determined only if the negotiation process is identified well. To be more specific, on initiating a negotiation process, one has to determine the actual reason for negotiating an issue. Although issues are more important than people concerned to them, ‘being soft on the people’ is also important. Otherwise, people tend to get defensive and refuse to listen (Chapter 3). On the other hand, gathering adequate

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Cancer of the Prostate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Cancer of the Prostate - Essay Example Also, it is important to discuss the psychological aspect of the lives of men with this condition. This section will touch on the cognitive functions and emotions of the person regarding his cancer. In addition to those, it would be really helpful to tackle the drugs which are said to have effects on this cancer. Related to the medical aspect of the topic of prostate cancer is the surgery and other medical interventions done in order to alleviate the condition of the patients. It would also be worthwhile talking about any risk factors which could be present alongside different medical and other nature of treatments. It is also appropriate to tackle the process after treatment which includes after-treatment therapy and the corresponding exercise and diet for the patients. The prostate gland of the male reproductive system is located below the urinary bladder. The prostate marks the first part of the urethra. It is composed of 30-50 glands with smooth muscle tissue in between them. The prostate secretes a milky substance which is released at the same time that semen is ejaculated. (, 2007) This is characterized by abnormal growth of cells in the prostate gland. This cancer progresses very slowly. This disease can be terminal, many men die because of prostate cancer but many also die because of other health effects of this cancer (McKesson Health Solution, 2006). Figures and statistics: who are affected In the United Kingdom, prostate cancer cases constitute almost a quarter of the male cancer cases. Annually, approximately 32,000 men in the UK are diagnosed with this cancer and almost 30% of these die (Hicks, 2007). It is termed as the most common malignancy of the male urinary tract (Robert-Koch-Institut, n.d). This cancer is more common to older men and to those who are genetically linked to a person with prostate cancer (Hicks, 2007). In general, 20% of prostate cancer patients are in their 50s while 70% are in their 70s (Brawn, Kuhl, Speights, Johnson & Lind,1995). Also, men from western countries, especially those in the Scandinavian region and those with African-Caribbean or African-American blood have higher risks of having prostate cancer (Hicks, 2007). Pathology In relation to the individuals affected by prostate cancer, it can be noted that men of African descent more commonly have high grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) (Brawn, Kuhl, Speights, Johnson & Lind,1995). There are low chances of having prostate cancer if the individual has undergone pre-pubertal castration and also for people with liver cirrhosis or hyperestrogenism. It should be noted that prostate cancer is not at all related to sexually transmitted diseases. Also, it is not due to the effects of smoking. Nodular hyperplasia is not related to prostate cancer. (Brawn, Kuhl, Speights, Johnson & Lind,1995) Prostate cancer secretes ten times the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) of the normal prostate. The tumours are adenocarcinomas or described as glandular structures originating from glandualar tissue (Dorland's Medical Dictionary, 2007). In cases of prostate cancer, there is a significant arise in the posterior part of the prostate

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Swimmer Essay Example for Free

The Swimmer Essay The sport of swimming is one that is heavily contested but is not for the weak and soft hearted. Bright and early morning sessions are an expectance and a normal person would see a swimmer as crazy. Swimming is a sport that requires determination, dedication, commitment and some serious time management. Swimmers endure much pain, stress and anxiety with fitting everything into their lives without the daily troubles of family and relationships. I will discuss my experiences and my daily adversities and joys along with the mental and physical times that I endure as a swimmer. Getting up at the dim hours of morning when the buzzer screeches and reads 4:45 is not a very pleasant sight to anyone. This sight of the clock to swimmers is a regular viewing and one that they do without hesitating. When I think what time I get up and why, so many thoughts dwell through my head. While other students are snuggled in their beds with the heating on and breakfast to meet them when they wake; I am swimming in reasonably cold water, enduring laps of pain, with many thoughts entertaining me. After enduring these laps I do not have an appetizing breakfast only a mere prima of juice and muesli bar; hardly enough to look forward to. Many would think while reading this, then why do you do it? The answer is a simple one; I see a sense of belonging in the sport. If I were to quit swimming which I have dwelled and neared acting upon, I would feel unfit, lethargic and would feel as if I was not good at anything and therefore nothing to be recognized as. As a leader in one of the sports at the college, I feel satisfied that at least I am giving something to a team and once again feel a sense of belonging. If I were to give up and not swim next year in my final year at the college, I would feel as if I had let myself down as well as the team and I would not mean much to the college. In my short career in swimming I have achieved accolades that I am proud of. These accolades include winning an Australian medal, being Victorian Champion, and making a Tip Top Australian Team. Once you have reached a level of this, it is very hard not to let go. In saying so, I achieved winning a medal at the Australian Age Championships two years ago. The year later I was struck down with illness and a shoulder injury that plagued my preparation. Disappointed with coming 6th in my main event hit me hard, but I was determined to make amends for my disappointment this year. This year I trained as well as I have ever trained and was committed down to every lap. I raced my hardest and ultimately, failed. I missed the national final and to me this was a complete slap in the face for all the hard work I had done. I had prepared adequately for the meet and had just failed mentally. My legs lactated up during the race and I struggled to finish the race off. I swam the race thinking negatively and it reflected on my result. When I was younger, a couple of years ago, I believed that I had enough guts and determination to beat anyone I tried; including Australian Champions. With this determination, I hit the wall. All of my confidence has diminished and I struggle to keep positive. After swimming my final race at the recent Australian Championships in Brisbane, I saw my time of 2:13.9 and place of 13th. At that particular moment after getting out of the water, I felt total anger and anguish. Its over. Im not going to swim anymore. I said to a fellow competitor. They saw on my face that I meant it. I held back tears of anger and frustration as another wasted opportunity went by. I went home with believing that I was going to quit swimming and found no enthusiasm or reason to continue. This was until my older brother gave me advice that at once I refused, and then I considered his suggestion of making a change and moving clubs. Due to the close relationship that I had with my coach, I struggled to imagine telling him face to face that I was going to cease training with him. However, I took on board that he would want the best for me and even if that meant moving. I met him face to face and battled tears in telling him that I was moving to a new club and a giant force in Swimming Victoria. Now I am swimming at a club called Melbourne Vicentre which, is home to the likes of Matt Welsh, Michael Klim and Giaan Rooney. It is a prospective change for me and a change that I am hoping will improve my swimming and reflect on a happier lifestyle. Swimming is not an easy sport, a swimmer requires different strengths; these strengths help a swimmer in life in swimming and beyond. No one does something because it is easy. That is why you guys are special, you guys arent normal. Swimming isnt normal, it is not normal to wake up the hours that you guys wake up at, while your friends are in bed or watching TV.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a fatal condition, associated with a high mortality rate and it is difficult to treat. Amend hypoxia, enhance respiratory mechanics in order to optimize gas exchange are the main goals in treating ARDS patients. Management of patient with ARDS secondary to inhalation injury in burns intensive care unit (BICU) is including mechanical ventilator support, pharmacological adjuncts and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) support. Prone positioning act as an adjunctive treatment in treating ARDS patients was acknowledged by many journal articles and also was mentioned in our respiratory failure and ARDS lecture. It improves oxygenation in most of the patients with ARDS. As mentioned in the lecture, until recently, no convincing evidence shows that prone positioning would help with better mortality rate. Meanwhile prone position is not practicing for ARDS patients in BICU in Singapore due to certain complications. Content ARDS is a life threatening condition, various definitions have been proposed. Fast diagnose improves the effect of treatment. However, till the year of 1994, The North American-European Consensus Conference (NAECC) published the criteria for diagnosis of ARDS (Appendix I). Carlson, Good, Kirkwood, and Schulman (2009) stated that the clinical presentation of ARDS including bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, acute onset of hypoxia resistant to supplemental oxygen, tachypnea, and decreased alveolar compliance. It is important to point out that ARDS is not a disease but a syndrome. It is associated with underlying clinical disease such as pneumonia, trauma or sepsis. As mentioned in the lecture, Inhalation injury is one of the common causes of direct lung injury ... ...limit damage from fibrin deposition in the alveolar space and microcirculation in ARDS. It is safe and effective in reducing lung injury (Miller, Rivero, Ziad, Smith & Elamin, 2009). Nebulized heparin and acetylcysteine is usually prescribed for post inhalation burned patients for five to seven days during the hospital stay. In order to reduce oxidants stress and airway obstruction caused by fibrin casts, the using of bronchodilators, anticoagulants, antioxidants and corticosteroids was studied and approved by researchers. The study also shows that heparin nebuliazation may provide pulmonary anticoagulation to absorb the fibrin cast. It is a common practice to administer nebulized N-acetylcysteine in alternation with heparin in BICU post inhalation burn injury due to the efficient antioxidant and mucolytic effects. ( Elsharnouby, Eid, Elezz, and Aboelatta, 2014).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Poem Analysis- Robert Fross; Robert Browning; Anne Bradstreet Essay

Robert Frost, â€Å"Out,Out—â€Å" 1. In line 15, Frost describes the saw as being sinister. He infers that the saw has a mind of its own, by stating that the saw jumped out of the boy’s hand and cut the boy’s hand terribly. Frost also makes it seem as if the saw is in a way, like a friend. He does this by demonstrating that using the saw is an advantage for the boy because it is making his job ten times easier. Without the saw, the boy would spend hours cutting through the wood. 2. In Frost’s poem, the people that surround the boy must be his family. It could also very much be friends, or members of his community, along with the doctor and nurses working on his injury. The tone of the poem leads me to conclude that the â€Å"they† in the poem weren’t very surprised or moved by the boy’s injury, or death, because this might have happened before, or they just didn’t care for the boy. 3. Frost’s reference to Macbeth’ contributes to my understanding of  "Out, Out-â€Å"that this poem’s theme is about death. From the reference to Shakespeare play, Macbeth, I can expect read about someone dying, an unexpected death. In my opinion, the theme of this poem is the cruel, emotionless, merciless relationships adults had with their children back then in America. Children weren’t given the opportunity to enjoy their childhood. They had many responsibilities and tasks to fulfill. 4. Robert Frost’s â€Å"Out, Out-‘† resembles the medieval folk ballad, â€Å"Sir Patrick Spence,† in its theme. Both poems are relaying a message about death. In Frost’s poem, the boy acknowledges the fact that he is going to die when he realizes he is losing a lot of blood. In â€Å"Sir Patrick Spence,† the sailor realizes he is coming face to face with death when he reads the letter the king has sent to him. Both of the protagonists in the poems are on the verge of dying a sudden, unexpected death. Robert Browning, â€Å"My Last Duchess,† 1. Throughout the entire poem, it is almost impossible allocate who the Duke is addressing. Towards the end of the poem, lines 49-52, it is disclosed that the Duke is speaking to a servant, or worker of a Count. This specific Count seems to have the Duke interest, because he wants to marry the Count’s daughter. The Duke appears to be hosting some sort of gathering in his home. I inferred this from lines 47 and 48. 2. Throughout the poem, the Duke emphasizes on his last Duchess, kindness and flirtatious attitude. In the Duke’s opinion, and observance, the Duchess was easily impressed, and fulfilled. Everything and anything made her happy. She would always say thank you to anyone, and everyone that would bring her things, or do things for her. The Duke interprets the Duchess’ kindness, and mannered behavior as flirtatious, which leads to his distrust in her. Based on the Dukes description, the Duchess, in my eyes was a well mannered woman. She wasn’t mean, or sought herself above anyone. Which is how he, the Duke wanted her to act. He wished she’d be a greedier or unfulfilled character. 3. In lines 34-41, the Duke explains why he never sought to confront his Duchess on her behavior. He states he didn’t have the eloquent skills to do so. He claims that he didn’t posses the speech to confront her. â€Å"Who’d stoop to blame/This sort of trifling? Even had you skill/ In speech-(which I have not)-to make your will/† This in my opinion is a lame excuse. I believe that he was simply afraid of confrontation. The Duke also states that if he had confronted the Duchess on her behavior, she would have made an excuse for her actions. 4. From this poem, I conclude that the Duke himself murdered, or gave orders to murder his Duchess. There is no clear evidence to support this, but I believe it is a clear interpretation. The poet should have included the Duchess’ fate in the poem. It would leave little room to assume her fate. 5. Robert Browning makes a direct connection between the Duke’s art collection, and the attitude towards his wife. The Duke has the portrait of his wife; his last Duchess displayed in his home, behind a curtain. A curtain, which only he can draw back, or remove. In other words, he, the Duke, controls the Duchess; or he wishes to control his Duchess. The Duke wouldn’t want anyone to see the portrait of his Duchess, with her blushed cheeks, unless he was there. The same can be inferred from the last few lines of the poem, line 54-55, â€Å"Notice Neptune, though,/Taming a sea-horse, thought a rarity,/ Which Claus of Innsbruck cast in bronze for me!† The Duke is implying, that he himself is Neptune, and his last Duchess is the sea-horse. No one could have imagined that a sea-horse could be tamed, but Neptune achieved it. Identical to the way that the last Duchess herself was tamed. Adrienne Rich, â€Å"Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers,† In her poem, â€Å"Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers,† Adrienne is describing the protagonist’s feelings towards her marriage. In lines 9-10, the protagonist feels that she is a prisoner of her marriage, and will only be set free when she dies. The protagonist uses the tigers as a symbol of who she wished she could be. In the first stanza of the poem, Adrienne describes the tigers as being un-fearful of the men. A trait she wishes she possessed. Sharon Olds, â€Å"Rite of Passage,† 1. The speaker describes the first-grade boys at her son’s birthday party as men. Their behavior is pure imitation of the men they have been around. Her description of them is ironic, because how can first-graders realistically be grown men? She also uses the concept of violence a lot in the poem. 2. In the last two lines of the poem, the author compares the first-graders to generals, and states that they are playing war. This is ironic, because she is inferring how (grown) men glorify war. The first-graders are innocent and naà ¯ve to the truth behind war. They don’t understand the sadness, and deaths behind it. To them, it is a reason to celebrate and rejoice. What is even more ironic, are the lines prior to the last two lines of the poem. The speaker quotes what the little boy has said. In line 22, â€Å"We could easily kill a two-year-old†. Little boys should not be speaking of death. But just like (grown) man boost up their ego by feeling superior to others and educing violence, these first-graders are doing the same. 3. From line 15-20, the mother describes her son as being innocent. She paints her son to be better than the other first-graders, because she seeks him out to be more mature than they are. Throughout the rest of the poem, due to the speaker’s description of her son, it can be inferred that the speaker’s on is the leader of the group. He is the mediator; the peace maker. Suji Kwock Kim, â€Å"Monologue for an Onion,† 1. The tone of this poem is mocking, and judgmental. It implies that humans live their lives chasing false hopes; searching for a truth that does not exist. The poet symbolizes this by using the analogy of shaving an onion to get to its heart; searching for a heart that does not exist. It depicts that humans are hopeless, and helpless. Humans are viewed as lost creatures. The speaker expresses hostility towards the human. It begins to mock humans by describing them as an idiot, thirsty (to find the truth), soulless, foolish, and destined to die. The speaker does this by comparing how a human cuts an onion over and over again, even though the onion makes the cutter cry relentlessly. 2. In line two, â€Å"I mean nothing† is projected to be interpreted on two ways, â€Å"intend†, and â€Å"signify. The poet is saying that the onion’s intentions aren’t to make the â€Å"cutter/human† cry. As the onion is cut, it forces the cutter’s eyes to fill up with tears. A reaction that is not intended, but occurs automatically. The poet also uses the phrase â€Å"I mean nothing† to symbolize that the onion feels like it is no one. It feels as if it has no value, or meaning of existence. 3. If someone said this to me, it would prove how close-minded and naà ¯ve they are. Poems generally convey a meaning far beyond what the poem explicitly reads. In poetry, you must read between the lines to understand the underlying significance of the poem. The poet is using the analogy of an onion’s (chemical) reaction to a human’s tear ducts to deploy how foolish human beings can be, and are. Continuing to cut through an onion, knowing that the onion will force us to cry is foolish. This simple action is identical to human life. Human’s cut through life searching for a truth they never attain. 4. I personally feel that the author is trying to give everyone a wake-up call in this poem. Suji Kwock Kim is trying to give her readers a few words of wisdom. She is exploring, and revealing a new approach on how one should view the world. Trying to encourage her readers to refrain from what an onion cutter is doing: cutting away at life causing them harm. Anne Bradstreet, â€Å"The Author to Her Book† Anne Bradstreet’s poem, â€Å"The Author to Her Book† is a complex narrative concerning the conflicting emotions and thoughts an author can have for a piece of literature he or she has written. Through metaphor and personification, Bradstreet examines the similarities between being a parent and being an author. The love, discouragement, and fear that all come into play when something is going to be revealed to the world at large are present in both a parent and a writer. Metaphor is used to relate authorship to parenthood in order to convey to the reader the complex emotions the narrator is feeling about sending a book he or she wrote out into the world. As the narrator points out, â€Å"Thou ill-formed offspring of my feeble brain†, drawing the parallel between the author and a parent and all of the complicated emotions that go with it (line 1). The narrator refers to the book-child as â€Å"My rambling brat†, revealing the negative side of the emotion (l ine 7). As a frustrated parent with a child who will not behave, so the narrator feels towards the book because it is not as perfect as he or she would want and the narrator sees this as a reflection upon the author, just as a parent would see a naughty child as a reflection on themselves. But later the narrator writes, â€Å"Yet being mine own †¦ affection would thy/Thy blemishes amend† demonstrating the conflicting emotions associated with love (lines 10-11). The metaphor of the book as a child reflects the conflicting emotions of the narrator as the book is seen as an extension of the narrator, just as a child is seen as a reflection of a parent. Personification of the book as a child creates empathy within the reader and makes it easier for the reader to relate to the anguish and love felt by the narrator. â€Å"I washed thy face† the narrator writes, speaking to the book, giving it life even as the book’s qualities as an inanimate object are examined (line 13). The narrator cares for the book’s presentation to the world just as a parent would care for the presentation of a child to the world. â€Å"I stretched thy joint to make thee even feet† the narrator writes, emphasizing the care needed for the book (line 15). The personification of the book and the metaphor of the book as a child work together to give the reader a full and complete understanding of the complex emotions felt by the narrator towards the book. The understanding needed and the guidance required to make the book the best possible so that it reflects well on the narrator is cast in light of parenthood and the ways in which a parents must care for and bring up a child. There is shame and the love that go along with an imperfect child, but it all is ultimately overshadowed by the pride felt in the final product.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Business Analysis Project Essay

Notwithstanding the bleak global economic climate with the Eurozone crisis, the Singapore operators are constantly introducing value-added services. The introduction of premium next-generation mobile services, namely LTE-based, should give ARPU a boost even though the take-up rate might be weak. [pic] Source: BMI Figure 1. 6 shows that the operating revenue has decreased for consecutive years since 2008. This could be attributed largely due to the global economic crisis. Summary of Singapore Telecommunication Industry Singapore government’s strong commitment to deregulation of the industry has assisted the growth of the telecommunication | |sector and built a competitive telecoms market, aided by its geographical location and excellent infrastructure. Singapore | |is one of the first countries in the world to have a fully digital telephone network and continues to maintain a strong | |positive outlook in this sector. In 1997, MobileOne Ltd forayed into Singapore’s telecommunications industry and demolished the previous monopoly held by Singapore Telecommunications Ltd. It was subsequently listed on the Singapore Exchange on 4 December 2002. Since its establishment, M1 has gained repute as an integrated communications service provider in Singapore. Rightly emphasizing on the importance of customers, M1 carries on business with the mission of being â€Å"an efficient and totally customer-focused company, achieving the highest satisfaction for our [their] customers, people and shareholders†. M1 has 2 wholly owned subsidiaries, M1 Net Ltd. and M1 Connect Pte. Ltd. M1 and its subsidiaries carry out its main operations in Singapore. In light of the interdependence of devices, networks, application services and content, M1 recognizes that it needs to diversify from being a pure mobile operator and hence transformed itself in 2007 to a dynamic full-service operator . Operating as a full-service operator ever since, M1 offers a full suite of broadband products, services and managed solutions. With its high-speed fiber network solutions, businesses benefit from faster speeds to improve productivity and reduce costs. This could have invariably contributed to the price reduction of handsets and increase in promotional activities to attract customers. Investors prefer a firm with a higher GPM, which indicates stronger efficiency. Noteworthy is M1’s NPM being consistently higher than StarHub. SingTel maintained its position at 23%. The ability to sustain the highest profit margin and also maintain a consistent revenue growth clearly places SingTel as the market leader in the telecommunications industry. However, it maintaind its stead state despite the Euro crisis. Therefore it is expected that M1 would increase its debt-to-equity ratio, with the economic recovery. Risk declines as the ratio increases as the company’s ability to cover its interest increases. On the other hand, Singtel is the lowest with 8. 8, and it is unclear if it can still afford to leverage upwards without affecting its credit rating. EPS is net profit per share. It reflects the company’s ability to add value to shares and is the most important metric in determining profitability. It is also a major component of another important metric, price per earnings ratio (P/E). The higher the ratio, the more money the company is making.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Sociology of Consumption

The Sociology of Consumption The sociology of consumption is a subfield of sociology formally recognized by the American Sociological Association as the Section on Consumers and Consumption. Within this subfield, sociologists see consumption as central to daily life, identity, and social order in contemporary societies in ways that far exceed rational economic principles of supply and demand. Modern Context Due to its centrality to social life, sociologists recognize fundamental and consequential relationships between consumption and economic and political systems, and to social categorization, group membership, identity, stratification, and social status. Consumption is thus intersected with issues of power and inequality, is central to social processes of meaning-making, situated within the sociological debate surrounding structure and agency, and a phenomenon that connects the micro-interactions of everyday life to larger-scale social patterns and trends. The sociology of consumption is about far more than a simple act of purchase and includes the range of emotions, values, thoughts, identities, and behaviors that circulate the purchase of goods and services, and how we use them by ourselves and with others. This subfield of sociology is active throughout North America, Latin America, Britain and the European continent, Australia, and Israel, and is growing in China and India. Research Topics How people interact at sites of consumption, like shopping malls, streets, and downtown districtsThe relationship between individual and group identities and consumer goods and spacesHow lifestyles are composed, expressed, and slotted into hierarchies through consumer practices and identitiesProcesses of gentrification, in which consumer values, practices, and spaces play a central role in reconfiguring the racial and class demographics of neighborhoods, towns, and citiesThe values and ideas embedded in advertising, marketing, and product packaging;Individual and group relationships to brandsEthical issues tied to and often expressed through consumption, including environmental sustainability, the rights and dignity of workers, and economic inequalityAnd, consumer activism and citizenship, as well as anti-consumer activism and lifestyles Theoretical Influences The three â€Å"founding fathers† of modern sociology laid the theoretical foundation for the sociology of consumption. Karl Marx provided the still widely and effectively used concept of â€Å"commodity fetishism,† which suggests that the social relations of labor are obscured by consumer goods that carry other kinds of symbolic value for their users. This concept is often used in studies of consumer consciousness and identity. Émile Durkheim’s writings on the symbolic, cultural meaning of material objects in a religious context have proved valuable to the sociology of consumption, as it informs studies of how identity is connected to consumption, and how consumer goods play an important role in traditions and rituals around the world. Max Weber pointed to the centrality of consumer goods when he wrote about the growing importance of them to social life in the 19th century, and provided what would become a useful comparison to today’s society of consumers, in The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. A contemporary of the founding fathers, American Historical Thorstein Veblen’s discussion of â€Å"conspicuous consumption† has been greatly influential to how sociologists study the display of wealth and status. European critical theorists active in the mid-twentieth century also provided valuable perspectives to the sociology of consumption. Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno’s essay on â€Å"The Culture Industry† offered an important theoretical lens for understanding the ideological, political, and economic implications of mass production and mass consumption. Herbert Marcuse delved deeply into this in his book One-Dimensional Man, in which he describes Western societies as awash in consumer solutions that are meant to solve one’s problems, and as such, provide market solutions for what are actually political, cultural, and social problems. Additionally, American sociologist David Riesman’s landmark book, The Lonely Crowd, set the foundation for how sociologists would study how people seek validation and community through consumption, by looking to and molding themselves in the image of those immediately around them. More recently, sociologists have embraced French social theorist Jean Baudrillard’s ideas about the symbolic currency of consumer goods, and take seriously his claim that seeing consumption as a universal of the human condition obscures the class politics behind it. Similarly, Pierre Bourdieu’s research and theorizing of the differentiation between consumer goods, and how these both reflect and reproduce cultural, class, and educational differences and hierarchies, is a cornerstone of today’s sociology of consumption. Notable Contemporary Scholars and Their Work Zygmunt Bauman: Polish sociologist who has written prolifically about consumerism and the society of consumers, including the books Consuming Life; Work, Consumerism and the New Poor; and Does Ethics Have a Chance in a World of Consumers?Robert G. Dunn: American social theorist who has written an important book of consumer theory titled Identifying Consumption: Subjects and Objects in Consumer Society.Mike Featherstone: British sociologist who wrote the influential Consumer Culture and Postmodernism, and who writes prolifically about lifestyle, globalization, and aesthetics.Laura T. Raynolds: Professor of sociology and director of the Center for Fair and Alternative Trade at Colorado State University has published numerous articles and books about fair trade systems and practices, including the volume Fair Trade: The Challenges of Transforming Globalization.George Ritzer: Author of widely influential books, The McDonaldization of Society and Enchanting a Disenchanted World: Continuit y and Change in the Cathedrals of Consumption. Juliet Schor: Economist and sociologist who has written a series of widely cited books on the cycle of working and spending in American society, including The Overspent American, The Overworked American, and Plenitude: The New Economics of True Wealth.Sharon Zukin: Urban and public sociologist who is widely published, and author of Naked City: The Death and Life of Authentic Urban Spaces, and the important journal article, â€Å"Consuming Authenticity: From Outposts of Difference to Means of Exclusion.† New research findings from the sociology of consumption are regularly published in the  Journal of Consumer Culture  and the  Journal of Consumer Research.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Where in the Country Should You Go to College

Where in the Country Should You Go to College SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips One of the biggest decisions you’ll make in the process of choosing a college is where in the country you’d like to be. There are some ways that location can impact your college experience and other ways that it can be irrelevant. I’ll give you an overview of why or why not location might matter to you and how you can make an informed choice about where to go! Why Might It Matter Where in the Country You Go to College? There are a few reasons why where your college is located might impact your experiences.Here are some things to consider. Your LocationWill Affect How Frequently You Can Visit Home If you choose to go to college in a part of the country that’s far from your hometown, you won’t be able to visit your parents and high school friends as often.You might have to spend some holidays apart from your family because of the costs and logistics of travel. If you go to college near where you live, you will probably be able to visit home and see your family very frequently.This can have its drawbacks if your parents are especially overbearing or you end up neglecting your social life at college and going home every weekend instead. Different Areas Are Better for Different Types of Career Opportunities If, for example, you want to go into the performing arts, it might be advantageous for you to be in a place like New York City for college.If you’re interested in computer science and the startup scene, you might fit better in the Bay Area in California. If you're interested in healthcare, you could consider going to school in a state like Massachusetts where there are many excellent hospitals. Certainareas of the country are known for their specialization in specific industries, so they might be better or worse places for you in terms of jobs andinternships. If you're already thinking about this in high school, it's officially time to mourn for your childhood. Cost of Living May Be Lower or Higher in Different Areas of the Country In general, it’s more expensive to live in coastal states, particularly in large cities.If you want to rent an apartment at some point in college, you’ll have a much easier time affording it in a Midwestern state than you willin New York City. Cities overall can end up costing you more money because of the price of going out to events and the temptation to eat off-campus all the time.New York City, San Francisco, and Washington D.C. lead the pack in term of the most expensive major US cities based on average rent and other costs of living. The Weather in Different Areas of the Country Varies Significantly This is a no-brainer, but it’s something to consider.In New England, you’ll experience the four seasons, but it might get extremely cold and unpleasant in the winter.In the South, you won’t have any problems keeping warm, but the heat can be brutal and seasonal changes are minimal.Some people might find that they’re happier in areas where it’s sunny and warm most of the time, and others might be eager to experience their first snowfall in college while sipping a mug of hot chocolate. Stop trying to make winter happen. It's not going to happen. Why Might It NotMatter Where in the Country You Go to College? Although there are some reasons to think about regional location as a factor in your college decision, you should also keep in mind that if the factors listed above aren’t important to you, your experiences won’t suffer based on where you are. You don’t need to be in a specific place to get a solid education. There may be more selective schools in certain areas, but there are at least a couple of schools in every region where the quality of your educational experience will be high.Some of the best schools are in remote areas that you wouldn’t think about, like Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota, which is consistently ranked among the top liberal arts colleges in the country. Of course, this all depends on how strict your criteria is for a good school. If you're only interested in the top 20 colleges, most of them are in the northeast or on the west coast. If you expand your definition to include the top 200 colleges, it will be relatively easy to find a school that's up to your standards in any area of the country.Even if you think you’re an â€Å"East Coast† person or a â€Å"Southern† person, you’ll almost certainly meet students you can relate to in any geographical location.Although there may be different cultural norms in different parts of the country, you shouldn’t worry that you won’t find friends if you go somewhere new.At most colleges, there is a niche for every type of student.You might end up finding your best friends in a place you never expected! Much like this cleverly camouflaged owl, you will find your niche. WhereShouldYouGo to College? How Can You Decide? There are many factors that might play into this decision.Again, keep in mind that there is no â€Å"bad† area of the country for you to attend college. Where you are can make a difference in your experience, but it really comes down to personal preference.Here are a few questions you should ask yourself to guide your choices. How Comfortable Are You With Going Far From Home for College? This is probably the most significant question that goes into choosing the location of your college.If you want to visit home frequently, going to college on the other side of the country might be tough for you no matter how great the school is.If you're looking to get as far from home as possible, a school 3,000 miles away might be a better choice for you than a school that’s an hour away from your parents’ house. Going to school farther away from home can mean some tricky logistics in terms of transporting your belongings and organizing trips to see your family.Make sure you’re willing to navigate these issues and won’t be too bummed out if you can’t make it to Thanksgiving. Read this article for more advice on whether you should go to college close to home. Do You Have Any Specific Job Interests That Will Be Better Served in a Certain Area of the Country? As I mentioned, some parts of the country are known to provide the best opportunities in certain industries.If you already have some idea of what you want to study, you should investigate where you might go to be in the best place for internships and jobs in the industry.It’s possible to find opportunities for most job fields almost anywhere, but if you have strong convictions about your career path, it’s a good idea to position yourself strategically. If you’re still undecided in what you want to study, you shouldn’t worry too much about this! If you don't know what you love yet, that's okay. Your brain is still working on transitioning to adulthood. Are You Especially Concerned About the Costs of College? You don’t necessarily have to spend more money on college just because you’re in an expensive coastal city, but it’s likely enough that you should take it under consideration in your college decisions.If you’re hoping to live off campus at some point, you might want to avoid cities with really high rents. Costs tend to also be higher if you choose to go to college far from home but still plan on visiting semi-regularly. Plane tickets and shipping costs for your belongings can add up quickly. These factors may be of more or less importance depending on your financial aid situation and the scholarships colleges give you. Do You Have Any Climate Preferences? Which is worse in your opinion? Being too cold or being too hot?This shouldn’t play a huge role in your decision, but you might use it to guide your college search towards areas that fit better with your preferences.You probably shouldn’t go to school in Maine if you hate snow, and you probably shouldn’t go to school in Florida if you hate it when the air temperature makes you feel like you’re always in a sauna. Seasonal changes are also factors that might come into play.For example, since I grew up in Massachusetts, I have a lot of nostalgia surrounding fall in particular.Many traditions that come with the seasons are tied to changes in the weather that don’t happen in every area of the country. Apple picking and excessive apple consumption are both staples of my autumn experience. Conclusion "Where should I go to college?" is an important question. It may matter where in the country you go to college depending on how strong your preferences are for a certain type of experience.Some factors to consider include distance from home, potential job opportunities, costs of living, and weather patterns. One thing that the location of your college will not determine is the quality of your education. If you don’t feel very strongly about any of the factors listed, you shouldn’t worry too much about regional variation.As long as you love the school itself, you will have a great time in college no matter where you are! What's Next? Are you worried about the college application process? Take a look at my infographic showing the steps you'll need to take junior and senior year in order to successfully apply to college. How can you find a college that's the right fit for you? Read this guide to researching colleges to find out. College ranking lists have a strong hold on our perceptionsof the quality of different schools. Learn more about whether you should trust these lists when conducting your college research. Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Impact of Online Selling on Small Businesses Essay - 1

The Impact of Online Selling on Small Businesses - Essay Example The paper tells that selling products on the Internet is just another method, in fact, one of the most modern means through which an entrepreneur can utilize the facilities of the Internet in his business. Apart from using it as a selling tool, the wide range of capabilities of the Internet can be made use of customer support, marketing, recruitment, procurement, communication, and for many other functions. Indeed, today there is hardly any business activity in this modern world that does not pass across the Internet. In the opinion of Adam, the most exciting function of the Internet these days is E-commerce and Online selling, where the provider uses the Internet as an intermediary to sell his products and services directly to the consumers in the global market. Online selling is expected to have a greater boom in the global village as the responsive audience is growing by millions every year. It is the process whereby customers are facilitated with the technology to directly buy go ods and services from a seller in real-time, over the internet without any intermediary service in between. While considering the benefits of online selling many seem to disagree that online shopping will affect the percentage of retail sales in the future, arguing that only a small percentage of online selling will only obscure the market potentials. However, as Adam points out, concentrating on this idea a little deeper reveals that even if the Internet sales constitute only 5 percent of total retail within a few years, that still amounts billions and billions of dollars spent on online selling. As more and more organizations and customers are making the use of the internet to collect information before they make the final decision and to purchase online, it is certain that all business firms must have a web presence. Leaving the online selling, if the firm is not existing on the Internet, it does not exist. Another advantage of the small business that uses online marketing is tha t they have the ability to sell a wide variety of products due to â€Å"infinite shelf space†. Afuah also comments that online stores can easily make a higher proportion of their income out of the low-volume items rather than traditional stores, a trend called as the long tail effect. It makes possible for the firm to reach new markets and new customers. On the other hand, buyers can search for information to decide their final purchase and compare the products to see which offer sounds adequate to him/her. Small business organizations, especially in the developing countries have the advantage of diminishing the costs of a search for information as well as costs of the transaction. It broadens the effectiveness of transactions by reducing the time taken for processing, payments and other functions. As Gingrich points out, a small business is highly benefited by information provided about customers and markets together with the valuable details of product design, financial res ources, and process technology. The widespread use of internet and its functions have changed the way the customers as well as the firms acquire information and operate their business.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Personal Nursing Research Interest on Asthma Paper

Personal Nursing Interest on Asthma - Research Paper Example Asthma is an incurable disease and individuals with this condition will need regular follow-up and monitoring of symptoms. During my postings in asthma clinic, I realized that patient education is the most important aspect of management of patients with asthma and without this, control of exacerbations and symptoms in asthma becomes difficult. Hence in this research article, I chose to discuss about patient education in asthma. The most common symptoms of asthma in an adult are wheezing, cough, nocturnal or exercise-induced cough, breathlessness, tightness of chest and sputum production (Brenner, 2009). The symptoms may be perennial or seasonal, continuous or intermittent, or during the day or night. Some of the precipitating or aggravating factors include viral infections, intense emotions, environmental irritants, exercise, pets or carpets at home, drugs like aspirin, additive foods, weather changes, stress and certain diseases like gastrointestinal reflux, sinusitis and rhinitis ( Brenner, 2009). Many patients have a family history of asthma or other allergy conditions. Treatment depends on the staging of asthma which again depends on the frequency and severity of symptoms. The main drugs for treatment are bronchodilators and steroids. These drugs can be given either oral, through metered dose inhalers or through nebulizations (Sharma and Gupta, 2009, Emedicine).